Equalheights is developed by Digital Disseny, S.L. and is licensed under GNU/GPL 2.
Equalheights is developed by Digital Disseny, S.L. and is licensed under GNU/GPL 2.
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This plugin is released free and opensource. You can contribute to maintain and improve it donating.
v.1.0.5: Use textarea for CSS classes + 100% Joomla! coding standards complant
v.1.0.4: Now compatible with Joomla! 3.0 and jQuery 1.8.2
v.1.0.3: Added german translation. Thanks to Johannes Hock!
v.1.0.2: Fix mootools dependencies & use outerHeight to include borders and padding heights
v.1.0.1: Deleted forced "." prefix for CSS selectors
v.1.0.0: First stable version
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